Officers - Emily Blayton

Name: Emily Blayton
Place of Employment: Columbia Cardiology
Current Position: Manager, Practice Development
Years in Healthcare: 3 yrs.
Prior Positions Held: Administrative Resident at the South Carolina Hospital Association
Member of SCMGMA Since: 2010
Years as a Board Member: This is my first year!
Board Positions Held:
(ie; Treasurer 2010, Secretary 2009)
Benefits of Serving as a Board Member: I am excited to contribute and be involved in bringing interesting educational and networking programs to all members.
Some Facts About You:
(ie; where you are from, are you married, # of children, etc.)
I am originally from Darlington, SC. I have a Bachelors and Masters from USC. I am newly wed to my wonderful husband! We have a very spoiled cocker spaniel named Izzy who is very sassy.
Favorite Hobbies/Past-times: My favorite things are reading, cooking, Gamecock football, and spending time with friends and family.